Passion Is Not A Panacea

by Robert Joseph
Sometimes I struggle to keep up. I was only just getting used to the idea of every brand needing to have a “story” and every business a “purpose”. Now, the...

Cape Redux

by Robert Joseph
“It is highly unlikely that functioning farming enterprises will be confiscated… Farm invasions are extremely rare in South Africa. I do not recall one in the last couple of years.”...

Heavy bottles

by Robert Joseph
“Jancis [Robinson] hates heavy wine bottles, as I do. Why do winemakers use them?” This recent Facebook comment – by one of the founders of a smart London wine retailer...

In praise of wine consultants

by Robert Joseph
“I can’t help admiring producers who don’t rely on someone else to tell them how to make their wine. Most of the bottles I enjoy drinking reflect their origin, as...

Wine’s missing link

by Robert Joseph
Thank God the food, music and art world aren’t run by the people who run the wine industry. Artists, musicians and chefs are allowed, and even encouraged, to experiment, to...

Museum pieces

by Robert Joseph
There aren’t many wine writers, I imagine, who have been accused of communicating with the dead, but way back in the 1990s, The Sunday Times did describe me as a...