2011 Cloudy Bay Te Koko Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough

( £29.50, 13.5% )

Te Koko is made in much smaller quantities than Cloudy Bay’s regular Sauvignon Blanc, and it’s a much more interesting wine, benefiting from wild yeast fermentation in French oak. Some people find the funky flavours a little challenging, but I love them. This is smoky and complex, with yeasty, doughy aromas, pithy grapefruit-like acidity, a touch of wax and gunflint and long, lingering finish. A wine that wouldn’t look out of place in Pessac-Léognan. 

BuyDrinking window: 2014-16Similar Wines: £20-£30, 91-95, New Zealand, White, Sauvignon Blanc
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