Score Settling

by Peter Pharos
We are all men and women of the world, us. We know that wine is poetry in a bottle, a marriage of art and craft, its enjoyment the result of...

Sparkling English Wine Writing

by Peter Pharos
A short time after the Brexit Referendum, I wrote a piece for a Wine Writing Competition [1]. Those were the heady times of the Birmingham conference, with their Citizens of...

Is sobriety a feminist issue?

by Celia Bryan-Brown
Feminism is the watch-word du jour, and not just among women of a certain age and political inclination. The drive for gender equality, and, more saliently, accountability, had ‘feminism’ named...

The mindful glass?

by Sarah Abbott MW
27 Wine is as good as life to a man, if it be drunk moderately: what life is then to a man that is without wine? for it was made to...

Calm down, dear

by Sarah Abbott MW
And those who are beautiful,who can contain them?Rainer Maria Rilke Remember this! No amount of Bacchic revelling can corrupt an honest women.Euripides, The Bacchae Last week a wine trade colleague...

Whose wine is it anyway?

by Sarah Abbott MW
“…and cool wine, fitting glove-like over those finer nerves that seem to tremble from the roof of my mouth and make it spread (as I drink) into a domed cavern,...