Cork Talk with Johan Reyneke

Cork Talk with Johan Reyneke

Johan Reyneke is South Africaā€™s leading biodynamic grower, cultivating the grapes that make his wonderful wines so distinctive. Listen to us chat about the weathered granite soils of the Polkadraai Hills, what heā€™s learned from his herd of cows, his love of surfing and philosophy, his belief in team work, and why, as he puts it, there can be no ā€œgreatness without goodnessā€.

To read more about Johan, have a look at the Reyneke Wines website. You can also follow the winery on Instagram @reynekewines and Johan himself on Twitter @ZAVineHugger.

Donā€™t forget, Cork Talk is now available on Spotify. You can listen to this weekā€™s episode, plus my back catalogue of interviews with some of the worldā€™s most extraordinary wine figures.

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