Prof. Nic Spencer and Dr. Paul Smith

Prof. Nic Spencer decided to start a post-retirement career in wine while trapped in a vineyard in Mendoza for two months during Argentina’s Covid-19 lockdown. Having completed an intensive period of wine education, which culminated in a DipWSET from the Austrian Wine Academy, he now combines his main interests of wine, surface chemistry and tribology by conducting research in wine mouthfeel, as well as writing, lecturing, and teaching about wine. Nic is based in Zurich, Switzerland.
Being a curious chemist, productive gardener, grape and wine research specialist, occasional artist and keen on the outdoors leads to an eclectic life. Nonetheless, wine science remains his key professional passion and understanding the molecules that drive the sensations and properties of wines continues to fuel his wonder about wine…and there remains no more mysterious entanglement to unravel than that of understanding mouthfeel. Paul is based in Adelaide, South Australia and no, he doesn’t have a favourite wine.